Friday, October 1, 2010

METRO MUSING 4 (10-11)

Dear Friends,

I am back from USA trip for planning Rotary Coordinators’ Institute in the capacity of Moderator. I was happy to be with RI President (E) Kalyan Banerjee and First Lady Binota Banerjee one more time for a day. His office is on the 18th Floor overlooking Lake Michigan and is beautiful. He has invited any Rotarian from our Club, our District or India to visit him while he is in that office.

I do not want to waste your time with my words as many things have happened like BoD, OCV and Projects. You all will agree with me that each picture is a thousand words. Like me, some of you must have missed these events, so please look at the pictures.

More details later. Enjoy Navratri.

Dr. Manoj Desai
Bulletin Editor
