Friday, July 16, 2010

METRO MUSING 2 (10-11)

Dear Friends,


President Premal started the meeting sharp at 8.15 p.m. after 15 minutes of fellowship period. He invited Ann Pratima to recite the prayer.

1. The meeting was called to order by AG Pinky Patel.
2. The 4-Way Test was recited by Ann Manisha R. Bhatt.
3. Then President requested for official exchange of collar at the hands of IPP Dr. Sharmishtha Desai. Everybody applauded her for the same.
4. Induction of Development Leaders was done by PDG Dr. Manoj Desai.
5. Rotary Kits to new members were given at the hands of AG Pinky Patel.
6. Then President invited Rtn. Sunil Vakil to induct the Counselors and given his Inspirational Address.
7. Rtn. Sunil Vakil took us down the nostalgic journey of 25 years in less than 7 minutes. He highlighted couple of important points like - (i) Club has never believed in pomp and show and (ii) Club has hosted about 17 events in 20 years and our actions were louder than our words. He also said that nobody in our District as ever thought about going 350 Kms. away to do projects – AASTHA & NISHTHA He welcomed new Rotarians and confessed that Rotary has given about 10 to 15 life long friends. He conveyed his kudos to Dr. Sharmishtha for the meaningful difference making year in Membership, Projects, Donations, etc. that we had. He requested Members to get involved and enjoy the fellowship of traveling together for Rotary events. He reminded everyone that original 3 Charter Members (3 Idiots for 25 years!?) are now feeling exhausted and are welcoming new Rotarians with great ideas to make the club vibrant. Finally be wished President Premal all the best.
8. President invited new members to introduce themselves and highlight why they joined Rotary.
Himanshu Rana – He is into Heavy Fabrication and firmly believes that one many can’t do anything but united we can do wonders. He has known Rotary through Premal and he approached Premal to make him a Rotarian.
Rita Patel – Modest and Humble to the Core. Rita said that we should put in our efforts to create an Altruistic Society. Everyone told her that she was rock solid support for all the actions of Nileshbhai for so many years. She has joined Rotary to continue to make the world a better living place.
Dr. Nitin Bhate – He came with many surprises like he was a Rotaractor at Badegaon. He did his college at Miraj and Masters from MS University and PH.D at IIT, Mumbai. In 2006 he came to Vadodara and joined Kala Bhavan. He confessed that he has visited many other clubs but did not like due to their pomp and show (He added; “less action and more words”). Dialysis project brought him to Rotary and he was to be an asset to the Club to make it a ‘Difference Makers Club.’
Sunil Joshi – He is a Computer IT Graduate from Tata Unisys. His wife teaches IT in Navrachna Vidhalay as Technical Coordinator. They are blessed with 10 month old Kritika (immediately Savir requested to bring her in order to experience the same that we all had when Savir and Kavita used to bring their twin daughters to the Club). Sunil Joshi is into Export Engineering Firm providing machinery to Africa and South America. Being a Partner of Mitesh, it is natural that he has heard about Rotary and its projects. That has brought him to Rotary.

Our average age is going down friends. ALL IS WELL in our Club.

9. Then was the time for President Premal to give his Acceptance Speech. He said I do not promise you speeches and I may falter in protocol but one thing is for sure that our Silver Jubilee Year would be remembered for excellent Services and Fellowship, both, as we contribute to the uplift the Society. He highlighted the fundamental principles of Paul Harris – Service and Fellowship. He requested everyone to come forward to do one project at least. He was highly appreciative of 17 Rotarians for Atmanirbhar at Dashrat. He reminded us that there will be many projects in different areas for Atmanirbhar as we have more than Rs.17 lacs in MG available. He also informed Rotarians that all the five machines of Project Sanjeevani are fully booked and one more is donated by AG Pinky Patel’s uncle. Our next Project of getting 3 more machines will fructify soon. He complimented IPP Dr. Sharmishtha. He was hopeful that unique bled of young and old will certainly take the club to create new milestone called Silver Milestone. You can imagine when 24 Rotarians clapped together what encouragement it provides to the President!

Slogan for the Year – Rotary Ke Liya Kuch Bhi Karega. The meeting was over at 9.30 p.m. sharp. The meeting ended over good Chinese delight.

Dr. Manoj Desai
Bulletin Editor

Wednesday, July 14, 2010







Monday, July 12, 2010

METRO MUSING 1 (10-11)

Dear Friends,


Hearty Congratulations to IPP Dr. Sharmishtha Desai and her Team for one more great year for our Club. She also made us proud by reciting Hindu Interfaith Service at Montreal Convention - first time ever that any one of our Club Member has been invited to the centre stage of the Convention. She was flooded with compliments, being short, sweet and simple - meaningfully recitation of 2 Hindu Shlokas as well as conveying the meaning in English in less than 4 minutes! (Kindly see photographs). Convention pictures and over view will be covered in the next Bulletin for the paucity of time and space in this issue as we have many more items to be covered.

Sharmishtha reciting Hindu Prayer for Interfaith Service.

RI Past President Carlo & Mrs. Rossana complimenting her.

Past Director Sonny Brown & Mrs. Ann complimenting her.

RIPE Kalyanbhai & Binotaben with us.

RIPE giving his acceptance speech after getting elected.

Joint Installation Ceremony of 7 Clubs was a unique event. C.C. Mehta Auditorium was full. The programme started dot on time at 7.30 p.m. and nearly 1 hour and 45 minutes total time taken for the memorable Installation Ceremony at the hands of RI President (Elect) Kalyan Banerjee. All 7 Clubs had put in hard work in planning under the Chairmanship of PDG Jatin Bhatt. I know this as I had a role to play i.e. as Master of Ceremony. I would really wish if somebody else writes about the impressions of the programme rather than me writing the same. However, I will narrate few important features of the Ceremony.
1. Prayer was recited by 7 Anns on 7/7/2010. Masters of Ceremony - Jagdish and Manoj did wonderful team work in Dostana Style.
2. Annets of various clubs did wonderful dance performance on 2 Rotary songs.
3. Chairman Jatin Bhatt welcomed the Guests in his unique emotional style in Hindi.
4. Jagdish and Manoj, alternatively highlighted about the cultural capital - Sanskari Nagari - Vadodara's contribution to various fields. Their description was centered around No. 7 like 7 Legendary Figures, 7 Cricketers, 7 Heritage Monuments of Vadodara, etc. They also highlighted RC Baroda's 75th year and our Club's 25th year.
5. Then Installation Ceremony was performed in a unique way. Annets were made flag bearers for 7 Clubs. For each Club, Annet was followed by Outgoing President, Incoming President and the new Team. All went upto the centre stage and occupied their position on the right and left of President (E) and First Lady Binotaben. Then collars were exchanged, group photo was taken and everyone received Best Wishes from Kalyan Banerjee and went back to their seats. 7 Clubs installation was completed in 26 minutes - unique isn't it?
6. Manoj sprang a great surprise before thanking Kalyan Banerjee and Binotaben to their seats. There were 14 new Paul Harris Fellows and 2 new Major Donors namely PDG Jatin Bhatt and our own President Premal Smart. Total US$ 34,000 were committed in less than 3 minutes.
7. Then DG Devang Thakore was invited to the stage and each newly installed Club President with his club new members to be inducted. Total there were 32 new members. DG Devang performed oath taking ceremony for the new members. It was really heartening to see everybody encouraging the new members with a thunderous applause.
8. Then MoCs asked the audience if they would like to listen to acceptance speeches of all the Presidents and a big NO was heard. Jagdish asked me to solve the puzzle and there came the dance performance by Nilesh Sir and his Troupe from Pranav Performing Arts. One liners from 7 songs were selected to reflect enthusiasm, commitment and promise of each newly installed President of 7 clubs. It was applauded in a big way and people were tapping their feet and clapping their hands during the performance due to selection of beautiful songs.
9. After that came the most important moment and i.e. RI President (E) Kalyan Banerjee's speech. There was rapt attention and everybody enjoyed the speech.
10. Vote of thanks and memento presentation was performed by MoCs. The gift was also unique, which is a photograph in oil on canvas of Kalyan Banerjee and Binotaben, surrounded by 3 different expressions of Kalyan Banerjee.
11. This was followed by National Anthem and everyone enjoyed the fellowship and food over the discussions. This kind of installation ceremony, is not only unique but worth going for rather than the long monotonous ceremonies. I really feel that those who could not remain present missed something really meaningfully different kind of installation. I have not received photograph CD till today from President and hence will upload the pictures later.

I have put down unbiased factual presentation. I am sure you would all put your comments or compliments to make it the true picture, once you read this bulletin.

1. 6 New Members were inducted by us. Their names and classifications are as follows:
Rtn. Rita N. Patel - Housewife
Rtn. Rupal Trivedi - (Classification awaited from President / Secretary)
Rtn. Suneel Joshi - International Trading.
Rtn. Dr. Nitin Bhate - Educationist.
Rtn. Himansu Rana - Industrial Fabrication.
Mrs. Hansa Patel - Nuclear Medicine Technician

2. We will be distributing 510 raincoats. Donors of the same are as follows:
1. Rita & Nilesh Patel : 50 Nos. - Rs.3,750/-
2. Kavita & Savir Julka : 50 Nos. - Rs.3,750/-
3. Leena & Premal Smart : 50 Nos. - Rs.3,750/-
4. Meena Vyas (my cousin) : 50 Nos. - Rs.3,750/-
5. Manisha & Rajan Bhatt : 50 Nos. - Rs.3,750/-
6. Pinky & Sumul Patel : 50 Nos. - Rs.3,750/-
7. Sandhya & Dilip Shah : 50 Nos. - Rs.3,750/-
8. Rachna & Ashish Gurg : 50 Nos. - Rs.3,750/-
9. Manisha & Mitesh Bhatt : 25 Nos. - Rs.1,875/-
10. Meena & Dhiren Kothari : 50 Nos. - Rs.3,750/-
11. Malvikbhai Hathi : 25 Nos. - Rs.1,875/-
12 Club Kitty : 10 Nos. - Rs.750/-
Total : 510 Nos. - Rs. 38,250/-

3. Rtn. Prakash Kishan, DRFC of his District is going to help us for second MG for Project Sanjeevani. We would get the good news on Friday and hopefully we will soon be signing the MG for this year also. All the best to President Premal for this much awaited MG.

LAST MEETING - Project Atmanirbhar
You would not believe the enthusiasm of our members - 17 Members remained present for the meeting. Please see the pictures (I wish they would have sent me better quality pictures as well action pictures of beneficiaries).

Sunday : 4th July : Project Meeting - Aatmanirbhar Camp at Dashrath.
Wednesday : 7th July : Family Meeting - Jt. Installation Ceremony - C.C. Mehta Auditorium.
Thursday. : 15th July : Business Meeting - Dinner meeting 8.00 p.m. Surya Palace. (New Member Orientation Program -to be next month as Club Trainer RB has his Phd exam on 16th.)
4. Sunday : 18th July : Service Project - Tree Plantation - Details to be worked out.
5. : Service Project - Raincoat Distribution (date to be decided as soon as we receive the Raincoats)
6. Thursday. : 29th July : B.O.D. - Hon. Sec. Mitesh Bhatt & Manisha Bhatt residence.
Best wishes to Past President Rajan for his Ph.D. exam so that we would be getting one more doctor!
Welcome back IPP Dr. Sharmishtha Desai.
Hope you had a sigh of relief for nearly a month ! But now for sure I will be sending you the blog after meetings / projects (2 to 3 times in a month).
Dr. Manoj Desai
Repeater Bulletin Editor
