Dear Friends,
You must have already received email from President Premal about September programmes as well as the criteria’s for selecting GSE Team Members for Group Study Exchange with RI Districts 9980 - New Zealand and 1750 - France. So permit me to avoid duplication.
1. Continue making us proud – Rtn. Alok Desai was invited at MICA to share his experience as an Entrepreneur in "Communications Business." It is noteworthy that MICA has a full fledged "Entrepreneurship Development Centre ( EDC )" that encourages students to embark upon their own enterprises and initiate new age business ventures. Alok was a part of the committee there that formed the centre in 2004 and today it has matured into a full fledged body that helps and assists the youth fulfill their dreams. It must have been a great experience to be with the youngsters to know their aims and aspirations. Congratulations Alok!
2. Rtn. Alok Desai also played an important role in organizing meeting with Dr. Sanjeeth Peter of Dharamsinh Desai Memorial Methodist Institute of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery, Nadiad on 3rd September in the afternoon. It was one of the important meetings for me as Trustee of RIHF. Not only I met a fine human being but also learnt the meaning of the words “missionary zeal and dedication.” The standard of cleanliness was amazing (I am comparing with other Baroda Hospitals who cater to heart patients). It was a fruitful meeting as he shared his dream and we shared hours. It is possible that we might be working together for a cause that is dear to us.
Dr. Manoj Desai
Bulletin Editor